Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that Ms. Sanjana won silver medals in 76 kg in both Youth Girls and Junior Women section today during 2024 Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships at Doha on 23rd December 2024.
The Indian athlete stole the show with scintillating performance in 76 kg women section as she completed all 6 lifts successfully – best snatch of 90 kg and clean and jerk of 120 kg and eventually won 2 silver medals in overall total in Youth and Junior section.
Sanjana 76kg Youth & junior
Snatch 90 kg Silver (Youth)
Clean and jerk 120 (silver youth & Junior )
Overall 210 Silver (Youth & Junior)
ZHUMAGALI Ayanat of Kazakhstan won the gold medal with a total lift of 215 kg (94+121).
Sahdev Yadav
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