To control; and regulate; encourage and popularize weightlifting and other allied games as sports and items of physical education and culture in India;
To hold, to arrange and to register local, regional, State or All-India and International competitions and exhibitions in Weightlifting, and other allied games at such places and times as may be determined and whenever possible and practicable, to grant diplomas for All-India and such other records;
To secure adequate participation in Olympic Games, World Championships and such International contests as may be approved;
To control and regulate weightlifting, and other allied games in India on an amateur basis;
To take any action at any time calculated to further the objects of the Federation;
To promote and assist in the formation of State organizations at such places where no organization controlling Weightlifting, and other allied games is in existence;
To promote co-operation and compose differences amongst affiliated Members;
To co-ordinate the activities of affiliated Members by holding All-India Competitions or Exhibitions at different centres by rotation as far as possible.