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Affiliation Criteria

The 35 units including 4 departmental boards have been affiliated with Indian Weightlifting Federation. The criteria for availing affiliation with Indian Weightlifting Federation are as under:-

    • Registration under Societies Act of the State

    • Registration with State Government.

    • Registration of more than 50% districts / clubs in the respective States promoting the weightlifting activities.

    • Training of weightlifters in the State & UTs and participation during National Youth, Junior & Senior Weightlifting Championships conducted every year by Indian Weightlifting Federation.

    • Following of the directives laid down by Annual General Council and Executive Committee of Indian Weightlifting Federation from time to time.

    • Appointment of Observers of Indian Weightlifting Federation during the Electoral Congress in the States & UTs.

    • Submission of Annual Reports and Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet to the Federation on yearly basis.

    • Compliance on Anti-Doping Policy of Indian Weightlifting Federation.

Following affiliated units have been registered with Indian Weightlifting Federation

SR. No Name of the Unit Status Voting Rights
1. Andhra Pradesh Weightlifting Association State Yes
2. Arunachal Pradesh Weightlifting Association State Yes
3. Assam Weightlifting Association State Yes
4. Bihar Weightlifter’s Association State Yes
5. Chandigarh Amateur Weightlifting Association Union Territory Yes
6. Chhattisgarh Pradesh Weightlifting Association State Yes
7. Delhi State Weightlifting Association State Yes
8. Weightlifting Association of Goa State Yes
9. Gujarat State Weightlifting Association State Yes
10. Weightlifting Association of Haryana State Yes
11. Himachal Pradesh Weightlifting Association State Yes
12. Jammu & Kashmir Weightlifting Association State Yes
13. Jharkhand State Weightlifting Association State Yes
14. Karnataka State Weightlifter’s Association State Yes
15. Kerala State Weightlifting Association State Yes
16. Madhya Pradesh Amateur Weightlifting Association State Yes (but presently disputed)
17. Maharashtra State Weightlifting Association State Yes
18. Manipur Weightlifting Association State Yes
19. Meghalaya Weightlifting Association State Yes (but presently provisionally suspended)
20. Mizoram Weightlifting Association State Yes
21. Nagaland Weightlifting Association State No
22. Orissa Weightlifting Association State Yes
23. Pondicherry Weightlifting Association Union Territory Yes
24. Punjab Weightlifting Association State Yes
25. Rajasthan State Weightlifting Association State Yes
26. Tamilnadu State Weightlifting Association State Yes
27. Telangana Weightlifting Association State Yes
28. Tripura Weightlifting Association State Yes
29. Uttar Pradesh Weightlifting Association State Yes
30. Uttarakhand Weightlifting Association State Yes (but presently provisionally suspended)
31. West Bengal State Weightlifting Association State Yes
32. All India Police Sports Control Board Departmental Board No
33. FCI Sports Control Board Departmental Board No
34. Railway Sports Promotion Board Departmental Board No
35. Services Sports Control Board Departmental Board No
March 2025

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